martes, 29 de noviembre de 2022



To celebrate the International Gender-Based Violence Day, students read a manifesto in Spanish and also in English. Besides, they were dressed in mauve and purple; they did something wih balloons, among other things. There were really good moments.


Below, it is the manifesto which students read during the break in the patio:



Today, the 25th of November, The International Day For The Elimination of Violence Against Women is celebrated.


This year, in Spain, 35 women have already died at the hands of their partners or expartners.


The students and teachers from Ibn Jaldún High-School  want to show our complete disagreement/rejection against violence, especially gender-based violence: violence against women cannot be tolerated and  we cannot be considered inferior human beings.

As teens, we want to say as it follows:

-         We want to fight against violence in our high-school and society.

-         Violence against women can be physical, sexual, economical or psychological.

-         We have to avoid daily violence so as not to become something ordinary.

-         We must stand with women who suffered violence.

-         We have to remember women and children who died because of gender violence.

-         We must say that we believe in a different society as a result of the change we are promoting.


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