viernes, 17 de febrero de 2023

The 14th of February, our pupils decided to celebrate Saint Valentine´s Day selling cookies, muffins, red carnations and other stuff on stands during the break. It was awesome! Congratulations EVERYBODY!


jueves, 9 de febrero de 2023

                                 Our winner,  Carla Cabezas Moreno (4ºESO E)


We´d like to share the following video with all of you, so you may have the opportunity to see the wonderful teenagers with have in our high-school. We enjoyed  and everybody behaved so well! We are so grateful with all students and teacher for their participation in the trek and race. Also some policemen helped with the traffic. It was organized to celebrate The Peace Day, on the 27th of January, we donated money for the NGO Save The Children. Open the ´video´ below and click on I LIKE. Thank you!


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